Submission Instructions:
Style and
format: Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation should be consistent
within each essay and should follow the style recommended in the latest
edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (The University of Chicago Press,
latest ed. 1993).
submissions must include an indexable title, followed by the authors' names
in the form preferred for publication, full institutional addresses, and
electronic mail addresses. In addition to your contact information, you
should include a short bio (3-4 lines in length). The bio should include your
affiliation, your research interests, and any major publications.
Illustrations: Tables and figures (i.e., photographs, graphs, charts, or other artwork) should be included only if necessary to the submission and never for merely ornamental purposes. They should be numbered consecutively and included as pasted bitmap images, rather than as vector graphs. Every table should have a title; every figure, a caption. At least one reference in the text must indicate the appropriate locations.
The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy and thoroughness of
citations. References cited must follow the guidelines of the author-date
system. The author's last name and the year of publication (with no
punctuation between them) are enclosed in parentheses and directly follow
the citation.
(Feingold 1994)
When citing
specific pages or sections of a work, that specification follows the year of
publication, preceded by a comma.
(Kimura and Hampson 1994, 58)
For works with
more than two authors, et al. should be used, and lowercase letters
differentiate separate works by the same author written in the same year.
(Curlee et. al. 1994)
(Anderson 1994a, 1994b)
corresponding list of works cited should appear at the end of the article.
Please abbreviate first name and spell out the last name for authors. Use
headline capitalization for titles of journals and sentence
capitalization for titles of books, journal articles, and chapters.
Please do not abbreviate the names of Journals. Some examples of
common citation formats are provided:
author, journal:
Feingold, A. 1994. Gender differences in personality: A meta-analysis.
Psychological Bulletin 116(3): 429-456.
authors, journal:
Kimura, D., and E. Hampson. 1994. Cognitive pattern in men and women is
influenced by fluctuations in sex hormones. Current Directions in
Psychological Science 3(2): 57-61.
than two authors, journal:
Ubel, P. A., C. L. Bryce, L. A. Siminoff, A. L. Caplan, and R. M.
Arnold. 2000. Pennsylvania's voluntary benefits program: Evaluating an
innovative proposal for increasing organ donation. Health Affairs
author, book:
Macklin, R. 1999. Against relativism. New York: Oxford University
in edited collection:
Charon, R. 1994. Narrative contributions to medical ethics. In A
matter of principles: Ferment in U.S. bioethics, ed. R. P. Dubose,
R. Hamel, and L. J. O'Connell, 260-283. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press.
published in conference proceedings are treated like chapters in books. If
further detail is needed on citation or reference list formatting, please
consult chapters 15-17 of the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition.
Avoid extracts, tables, and paragraphing in notes. Footnotes will be
converted to endnotes in the typeset version.
Quotations of more than two lines should be set off in a separate paragraph
with double indentation. Quotations of less than two lines may remain in the
main body of the text, placed within double quotation marks. All extract
citations must include page numbers. Double quotation marks should also be used for so-called "scare quotes" where irony or distancing is intended.
For inquiries or more specific guidance on style, please contact the Editor-in-chief by email:
Professor Mark Walker